3 Days in Cradle Mountain
3 Days in Cradle Mountain National Park, Tasmania
Recently back from a fabulous trip in Tasmania with 4 lovely VIP customers. Below are the highlights of the best spots and when and how they were captured. I have been going to Tasmania for many years now and really enjoy finding new places and seeing different perspectives. Aside from focusing on photography the whole trip is really a great to chance to share our love for nature and the environment. Of course the occasional glass of Pinot Noir or a Cape Grimm Steak or Tasmanian Scallop, Mussel, Oyster or Salmon never left us hungry. Dove Lake, Cradle Mountain National Park

The slow 2 hour walk from Rony Creek to Crater Lake located next to Dove Lake in Cradle Mountain National Park. The boardwalks allow for easy access with a gradual climb up the hill. On the way up you will run into loads of Wombats feeding on the grass. Pandani plants is the largest heath plant in the world only found in Tasmania. The walk along the creek will reveal many of these wonderful plants. If the creeks are flowing through the moss forest then a quick tripod and camera stop is mandatory for a waterfall shot.
Despite having bad weather we made use of the moody clouds to create these black and white or colour photos. Dove Lake is a great spot for a sunset/dusk or daw/sunrise spot.

During the day if you are looking for exercise and fresh air then a loop walk around Dove Lake will only take about 2 hours even for slow walkers like me. The best times of the year to go are in autumn and spring. Having a headlamp in the darker hours of the day will keep you hands free when walking with all your camera gear. Including your camera gear and tripod I would suggest a maximum weight of 7-10kg. I usually only take my Canon 5d Mark III and an 18mm Carl Zeiss lens with my Nisi Filters. You are welcome to take more gear but my philosophy is less is more. With a fixed focal length of 18mm I know exactly where I need to stand for the perfect landscape shot.

About an hours walk up the hill you will come to Crater Lake which also has a boat shed like Dove Lake but not as big or rustic looking. Kevin my customer is showing how he had to get around from the other side to get a look inside the empty shed. Sonja somehow found her way on these trees to perch herself for the perfect angle looking down the lake. The actual Cradle Mountain National Park covers a much larger area. If you are keen to walk the overland track over 6 nights then you will end up at Lake St. Claire.